Chiari Bridges is a 501(c)(3) federally approved public benefit organization for charitable purposes under the laws of California.

Why You Should Donate
Chiari Bridges is a non-profit network built by Chiarians for Chiarians. Our goal is to provide the most accurate up-to-date information in an easy-to-understand way (substantiated by published studies), so that knowledge is encouraged and explored.
We run solely on donations, so what you’re able to give directly affects what we’re able to do and how long we’re able to do it!
Monthly donation commitments allow us to plan to expand our vision in helping patients and families with their Chiari & Comorbid fights! As we continue to bridge the gap between Chiari Bridges and The Worth The Fight (WTF!) Online Community, we will continue to bring you a broad spectrum of information for patients and their family members, including regular online support meetings, self-advocacy training, how to look at your MRIs, and more! All of this costs money and we honestly don’t have time to wait to organize walks, rallies, and events (especially in lieu of Cov19). There is work to be done RIGHT NOW!
Nobody knows what our community needs like we do, as patients! In the near future, we’d like to include several apps: one to create an easier way for our Worth The Fight (WTF!) Online Community members to be able to access the site without having to find us online each time; another for symptoms tracking that can be used by both patients and their doctors; and a third to help us establish and keep track of our personal health goals (because while so much is out of our control, we need to be empowered to take control in the areas that we can!). TO ACCOMPLISH ALL OF THIS, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Our Commitment to Empowering Patients
With so many of us spending years asking for help and being told that there is nothing anatomically wrong, we lose confidence in our own aptitude to understand or be heard. It’s time for us to get our sense of power back!

Together, We C.A.N. make a difference!
We have members already making a difference in regard to legislation on state and federal levels. We have established a Chiari Action Nnetwork (C.A.N.) to help organize the political changes that we need as patients.

Partnering Helps Us Plan and Grow!
Since our origins, Chiari Bridges has been funded by a small handful of people. However, there’s still more to be done and nobody knows what our community needs like we do as patients. To do all that is in our hearts to do, WE NEED PARTNERS COMMITTED TO HELPING US ON A MONTHLY BASIS.
We realize that many of you are on disability and with that money is tight, but just look at all we’ve accomplished with what little we have! WE COULD DO SO MUCH WITH A HANDFUL OF SMALL DONATIONS! So we’re asking you to start by committing to at least $5.00 a month – the price of ONE LATTE A MONTH and let us see what we can do with that, because one thing is for sure, THIS FIGHT ISN’T GOING TO CHANGE UNTIL WE CHANGE IT!

Donation Subscription Through Paypal
Monthly Automatic Subscription Donations Through Paypal (requires a PayPal account) Use the following link to make a donation and check the box for “Make this a monthly donation.” Paypal will automatically make the donation on the same day of the month that the subscription is created. You can cancel your subscription at any time through your personal Paypal account.

Request To Be Invoiced Monthly
Request To Be Invoiced Monthly (emailed through PayPal, but doesn’t require a PayPal account) You will be emailed an invoice each month for the amount that you set up. When you get the email, you can opt to pay it on time with a credit/debit card. Even if you need to pay it a little late, this option enables you to pay it when you can.

One Time Donation
Can’t commit to donating regularly right now? That’s okay, we understand. Please consider making a one-time donation right now!

You can make a one time donation through PayPal using your credit/debit card (no PayPal account required).

Mail A Check
You can write a check to Chiari Bridges and mail it to the following address:
Chiari Bridges
PO Box 4027
Santa Clara, CA 95056

Get Creative and Believe!
Can’t commit to donating regularly right now? That’s okay, we understand. Please consider making a one-time donation right now!

Corporate Donation Matching
You can make a one time donation through PayPal using your credit/debit card (no PayPal account required).

Facebook Fundraisers
You can write a check to Chiari Bridges and mail it to the following address:
Chiari Bridges
PO Box 4027
Santa Clara, CA 95056