“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”
John F. Kennedy

As Chiarians we have learned the necessity of educating ourselves and helping one another. Our ability to do so has already revolutionized our fight at an individual level, but we need to be proactive in order to accomplish real change on a larger scale. From our right to competent medical care, to our rights for proper pain management options, we cannot expect people to fight for our rights unless we are first willing to fight ourselves. Please stay tuned to this area with calls to action and updates. All of us need to come together so we CAN make a real difference! Individually we have small voices that are easy to dismiss, but together we are strong, loud and fierce!

Pain Control Rights
We have a right to proper help with our pain! Some of us have lost rights in certain states, and others are being threatened for the future loss of pain control options. Our rights as Chronic Pain Patients need to be a focus for all of us. Let’s help our legislators understand what we face and make our voices heard!

Help Needed
There are several things that we’d like to pursue legislatively, but we need more volunteers to do it.
Free Access
If you’re interested in any of these topics (or others) and would like to help make a difference, email the Chiari Action Network!

We have a right to proper help with our pain! Some of us have lost rights in certain states and others are being threatened for the future loss of pain control options. Our rights as Chronic Pain Patients need to be a focus for all of us. Let’s help our legislators understand what we face and make our voices heard!