To Family/Friends
Struggling Through the Holidays
‘Twas the night before Christmas and despite the sleeping spouse, there was still one stirring in the Chiarian’s house. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, as all hoped their sick loved one would be able to be there. The family was nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of disappointment danced…
Christmas Presence
Making homemade stockings and cutting flowers for wreaths. Baking treats and devouring them with hot cocoa by the tree that we spent hours decorating. Shopping for just the right gifts and wrapping them meticulously, so those I love know just how special they are. I remember all the traditions that we did together as a…
When A Chiari Woman Passes Away
When a Chiari woman passes away it changes so much for so many. It leaves a hole in the hearts of the Chiari community because, even as dysfunctional as we are sometimes, we know we’re all in this together! We know what it’s like to have conditions that so few understand, including our doctors. We…
My Husband, My Caretaker, My Hero
Like any marriage, we’ve had our rocky moments. We’ve both showed our ugly sides more than we like to admit. I’m not sure when he changed, but somehow along the way in our 27 years of marriage, my husband morphed into this amazing man who is EXACTLY what I need in every way! My husband…
Breaking The Cycle
I’m in an abusive relationship. It’s not a romantic one at least, not in the traditional sense of the word. When I fell in love with her, she reminded me of a goddess. She was beautiful and kind. She never took no for an answer. She was unstoppable. She was an inspiration. To me and…
DEAR FAMILY (***Revised: Clean Version***)
FOR ALL MY NON-CHIARI FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS… I really NEED you to listen to this and just try to understand! I know there’s absolutely NOTHING I can say to help you understand the pain that I go through; what it feels like to have pain all the time, in places that I didn’t even…
DEAR FAMILY (***Strong Language***)
FOR ALL MY NON-CHIARI FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS… I’m going to cuss, but I really NEED you to listen to this and just try to understand: I know there’s absolutely NOTHING I can say to help you understand the pain that I go through; what it feels like to have pain all the time, in…