Get Moving: One Small Goal At A Time
Tired of your doctors telling you, “If you just exercised, you’d feel better!”? Well, they may not be all wrong. Just hear me out! The truth is we all just want to feel better and fight to get as much of our lives back as we can. That is never going to be as easy…
WTF! Online Support Group Meetings
Ever feel alone in all you’re facing? It’s one thing to read what people are going through, but to see them as they share how they’re going through the same struggles that you are can be game-changing! Starting in December, the tribe will be hosting online support meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of…
Petra Johansson’s berättelse – En chiari-krigares resa [Svensk Version]
“Vi måste operera din hjärna och det måste ske nu”! Vad gör du egentligen om någon säger så till dig? Hjärnan. Den där delen högst uppe som liksom är allt som du är. Någon måste skära i den och fixa något som är fel. Och att det finns ingen tid att tänka efter. Hur ska…
The Cameron Hallihan Story – A Chiari Warrior’s Journey
My son’s story started right from the moment he was born. I knew as soon as he tried to breastfeed that something was wrong. At that time, I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into. I figured he was aspirating like my first child. I took my brand-new baby home and tried to feed…
Submit An Article For Publication Consideration
Have you written something that you think would be of value to the Chiari community? Consider publishing it with us! It might be exactly what someone else needs to hear for them to make it through their next mile of the fight! Not all of our pieces are technical pieces. We want articles that are…