Admin Resources
NS Specialist List (Admin Resource)
Neurosurgeons on this list are ones that have focused much of their practice on Chiari Malformation and Comorbid Conditions. Not everybody will agree with who is on this list and that’s okay. While we do encourage members to share THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES WITH THEIR DOCTORS, we DO NOT ALLOW DOCTOR BASHING in our groups! The…
Commonly Shared Links to Chiari Bridges – An Admins Resource
HOMEPAGE: <https://chiaribridges.org/> (go to article) ABOUT CHIARI (TAB) Understanding Your Head and Neck Pain: <https://chiaribridges.org/understanding-your-head-and-neck-pain/> (go to article) Overview: Chiari Malformation [Revised]: <https://chiaribridges.org/chiari-malformation/> (go to article) What’s In A Name? An Expansive Review of the Name and Definition of Chiari Malformation: <https://chiaribridges.org/whats-in-a-name-chiari-malformation/> (go to article) One Painful Fight – Get Ready To Rumble!!!: <https://chiaribridges.org/painful-fight-get-ready-rumble/>…