An often excruciating, debilitating, chronic condition characterized by extreme, intense neuropathic facial pain due to irritation, compression, or damage of the Trigeminal Nerve.  The Trigeminal nerve is the 5th cranial nerve pair that originates at the base of the brain stem and branching out into 3 branches:  the upper branch (above the eye), middle branch (under the eye/cheek area), and lower branch (along jawline) on both sides of the face. This pain is often described as sudden, intense, sporadic, sharp, burning, stabbing, shock-like facial pain that usually lasts from seconds up to 2 minutes per episode.  The slightest irritation can cause these jolts of excruciating pain (such as a kiss, brushing teeth, wind blowing on the face).  Usually only one side of the face is affected, though rarely, both sides can be.  There are two types of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN).  Type 1 (described above) and Type 2 (Atypical TN).  In Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia, the pain is described similarly but the pain is more constant and a somewhat lower intensity than typical (type 1) Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Both types of TN can occur in the same person and at the same time.  TN has been described as one of the most painful conditions known to man.  As such, it has earned the nickname of “the suicide disease.”  It is also known in older medical terms as “Tic Doulerex.”

trigeminal neuralgia, Tic Doulerex, tic doulerex, "suicide disease", Atypical Trigeminal neuralgia, atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia, atypical trigiminal neuralgia


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Dev Chiari Bridges