As we lift up a warrior fighting EDS, Chiari, and/or Comorbids,
We are believing You for:
Knowledgeable doctors/surgeons
With hearts for the patients that are trusting them
Ears to hear them
And a willingness to unlearn and relearn
CSF leaks to seal
Cranial masses to disappear
Narrowed venous structures to widen
And cranial pressures restored to normal
Sticky filums to release
Stretched spinal cords to retract
Conus Medullaris’ to rise
And elongated medullas restored without consequence
Collagen restored without mutation
Intravertebral discs moving back into their rightful place
Laxity issues resolved
Straightened odontoids and clivus bones
And craniums to rise
Spines to straighten
Cerebellar tonsils to rise
CSF flow restored
And syringes (syrinxes) dissipated
Muscles reconditioned
Paralysis reversed
Vision completely restore
Ringing in the ears to cease
Habitual good night’s rests
No insomnia, painsomnia, chronic fatigue, or narcolepsy
Breathing issues corrected
Restless legs calmed
Nerves decompressed
Even vagus restored
Motility perfected
Inflammation gone
And pain a thing of the past
Depression replaced
Hearts seasoned with grace
Families restored
Where no one’s needs are ignored
Thank You, Father,
That despite all we’ve endured,
Your grace continues to be sufficient.
That none of this has taken You by surprise;
You knew all we’d face, yet You still chose each of us and call us Yours.
Our hope is in You and You alone,
The Author and Perfector of our faith,
We stand on Your promise that You still have a plan for each of us!
We might not know what it is or understand how we’ll get there,
but You are a good Father, and we trust You completely.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
(Note: This prayer was written to become a collaborative prayer, that we can add to as needed.)